To edition “Evening Rostov” one of these days has come young girl from Rostov-on-Don. Also has surprised the correspondent of the city newspaper with the story that because of love to it the group popular all over the world “Tokio Hotel” just about can collapse.
According to 18-year-old Anastasija Shljahovaja, studying average special school (college) at the Rostov state conservatory of a name of S.V. Rakhmaninov, one of leaders and founders of group, Bill Kaulitz, has made its the hand and heart proposal. And Bill's brother, Tom, too to it is not indifferent. Guys cannot divide the girl in any way because of what in group crisis has burst: it goes on tour a little and is on the verge of disorder.
- I have got acquainted with guys 1,5 years ago, - have told girl from Rostov-on-Don, - have written on February, 14th to them on a page in a social network “MySpace” congratulations on Day Sacred Valentine. They have answered me. We began to communicate. I compose music, therefore sent them the compositions. They in the answer too sent melodies and verses. We had a spiritual unification …
However, musicians for some reason answered Anastasija not from the personal page, and with any others. The girl thinks that they were registered under assumed names not to create around their dialogue of an unnecessary agitate. Young girl from Rostov-on-Don and thoughts does not suppose that someone has played it. And mum of the girl who too has come to edition “Evening Rostov”, is assured: the daughter communicates with brothers Kaulitz from band “Tokio Hotel”.
Bill sometimes calls to the girl. But, as she said, simply is silent in a tube. As she understands that he calls, not absolutely clearly. There is also other version: at it not so good knowledge of English freely to speak on the phone with the German, and Bill does not want it to confuse.
The correspondent of “Evening Rostov” has looked in the Network for answers of young musicians concerning their contacts to fans. Bill Kaulitz's has expressed so: “Our relations with fans difficult enough. Never you know, whether you interest the girl as the singer or a celebrity or all the same as the person. I can present myself the relations with the fan. Though at our schedule of work it is difficult enough to have now relations”.
Tom Kaulitz: “I can easily fall in love with ours fans! If you like the girl, not very well, fans it or not. So all is possible”.
On the other hand, so all youth idols speak almost. They are interested in maximum a large attendance, therefore producers and push them to make similar statements. So it is accepted in show business: the star should be desired, fans have a just cause to dream of it.
- At some instant Tom and Bill have started to clash because of me, - continues Anastasija Shljahovaja's story, - They have asked me a question: who is pleasant to you more? I have chosen Bill. But the Tom has not wanted to be reconciled with it. Bill even was going to arrive to me to Rostov incognito, but could not …
Under the version of this girl , arrival of group to Russia (“Tokio Hotel” there is one of headliners of the annual national award in area pop music “Muz TV 2011” which will pass in “Olympic” on June, 3rd) is connected with dispute of brothers. A pier, they want to get acquainted and be convinced personally that girl from Rostov-on-Don has chosen Bill who has already suggested it to become his wife.
By the way, according to the girl, in marriage she was called by both musicians, not interested persons in something to concede each other.
- Bill was very tired of this conflict and even wants to leave group, - confirms Nastja. - He has asked me to address in the press: if journalists learn about us to it will address for comments, and he can confirm all. Then we will not need to hide the relations.
Something to prove Anastasija's sensational recognition, besides, cannot. But all is obvious to it. And even that fact that Bill has acted in film in a commercial of the known European company, it regards as acknowledgment of its decision to connect with it life. It supposedly anything it is simple so does not do, all its acts are symbolical. Though what there love symbolics in advertising of home appliances with heroes-aliens …
Here such history in which it would be desirable to trust very much, but occasions, to tell the truth is not a lot of. Here it will be amusing, if this girl really will marry for pretty Bill Kaulitz.
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