Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FAN ART: Handmade Bill Kaulitz Bag

A Russian fan e-mailed us this very nice and creative handmade Bill Kaulitz bag by Allegator. It's really cool, but it looks hard. The original text is in Russian so my translations could be wrong as I can't read Russian that well. Check it out!:

Workshop - GOD Bag

Illustrating the description of manufacturing the bag.

1. Pattern.

2. Patterning.

For the letters G and D, I used a homemade template:

Once the letters have dried up, proceed to the ranks of BC))

Figure stand with the help of carbon paper.


I do it on the balcony during summer.

3. Ironing.

Once the image has dried, it should be well ironed for about 5 minutes.
All details must be planted on the interlining.

4. Stitched detail.

Pens at a distance of 7 cm from the lateral edge of the bag:

5. Lining the castle.

The main work is done. Further along the same pattern, draw black linings, plus a pocket for small things.
The size of the pocket is up to you. Sew together with a lock.

6. Result.

Bag ready:

That's all.

Translated by: Särah K. (Administrator)


  1. wow~fantastic!!!
    i want to bring this bag on the road...

  2. Wow! I'd love to have one of these bags :D It's beautiful!
