Wednesday, December 2, 2009

VIDEO: 9 Questions for Bill Kaulitz

We talk a lot!
When we are in the car on long drives, we realize where we are at and that is……a funny feeling.

Whats the secret to your success?

I think you really can not explain it.
I would not know what the recipe is, when people would ask how to manage that.
But it really is just a bunch of luck, of course, hard work, which is clear as well, and than maybe that we, that I, fully concentrated on this, that there is nothing else beside this.

Do you control everything good?

It is very hard for me to give things out of my hands.
And I can not let go easily. that means, I am actually busy all day with controlling everything.
I am the kind of person that will turn around 10 times to see if the door is really closed.

Is there life after Tokio Hotel?

I can imagine a time in which we will do less.
And work less and maybe sometime that we won’t make a new album for 2 or 3 years and not be on the road.
That we are all doing our own thing. But that Tokio Hotel does not exist anymore, that is hard to imagine.

Would you like to act?

Yeah, I can imagine that, of course.
It is just a question of the entire team of the movie, that the script and the role are good, than I can imagine I would want to try that out. Until now the right movie was not there yet.

Have you got any offers yet?

Yeah, every time I get new ones.
But most of the times they are big roles and I do not trust myself enough to do that.
I would like to try a small movie part first without it being a big issue/thing.

What or who would you like to play?

I would like to play a vampire or a junkie. I can imagine that..

Are you a “fake” person?

The Bill wearing make up , the Bill that is sitting here in front of the camera is closer to me then the Bill that gets up in the morning.
It is not something I do for other people.
I used to go to school like this. I could not be a fake person and pretend for everyone, that would be to hard on me because it would be too much.

Does time in showbiz pass fast or slow?

Time goes pretty fast and you think, crazy, another year has past, so many things happened.
And at the same time it appears to go really slow.
Sometimes I think, crazy, the day is over already and the next moment I think, oh god, I have been doing this forever already!


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